Drop of knowledge #4
We share what is important – oil diagnostics knowledge, events in the life of the laboratory, trade fair information. We send out the Neweletter once a month, every last Tuesday. We are very pleased to have you with us. 🙂
Testing of electrical insulating liquids – comprehensive assessment of transformer condition
The main tasks of transformer oils are:
- dielectric insulation
- heat dissipation – cooling of the active part of the transformer
- protection of the solid insulation (cellulose) against atmospheric influences
The advantages of regular testing of electro-insulating fluids (transformer oils) from equipment in service are:
- monitoring the ageing processes of oils and their insulating and cooling properties
- assessing the condition of equipment, e.g. a transformer, and its suitability for continued operation
- the possibility of avoiding failure, often with very serious economic consequences
- planning maintenance activities well in advance
- low testing costs compared to electrical measurements
- the possibility of taking samples from operating equipment
It is estimated that the electrical insulating fluid, and therefore the transformer oil, contains about 70% of the diagnostic information about the equipment, both about the condition of the oil itself, the transformer operation and the cellulose insulation. A comprehensive assessment of the condition of the equipment, using the example of a transformer, involves three main aspects of testing:
Correct collection and transport of samples
Only the correct collection of a representative sample makes it possible to carry out accurate tests at a high level and to draw correct diagnostic conclusions.
In order to ensure the highest quality of tests performed, Ecol’s Oil Laboratory has a dedicated sampling system, enabling collection and safe transport to the laboratory.
If you are interested in the topic of electroisolation fluid testing, please contact Marek Kusz, Chief Engineer for Electroisolation Fluid Diagnostics: tel: 512 705 221, email: marek.kusz@ecol.com.pl
You can meet us in May:
- 13-15.05.2024 r.: National Symposium on High Voltage Engineering IW-2024, Poznań
- 21.05-24.05.2024 r.:XXVII International Fair of Plastics and Rubber Processing PLASTPOL, Kielce
- 21-22.05.2024 r.: XVII Scientific and Technical Conference on Maintenance and Repair in the Chemical Industry
- 23.05.2024 r.: Tour de Wind 2024, Dźwirzyno
Training and conferences: SAVE THE DATE
Last available places left for Ecol training:
15-17.05.2024 r. – Oil diagnostics in practice, Karpacz
Would you like to take part? Write to warsztaty@ecol.com.pl
Don’t delay, the list of participants is limited.
New speakers at TRAFO 2024
TRAFO 2024 conference speakers included representatives from:
➡️ Polskich Sieci Elektroenergetycznych S.A.,
➡️ Tauron Dystrybucja S.A.,
➡️ OMICRON Energy Solutions Polska Sp. z o.o.
➡️ Lodz University of Technology,
➡️ Wrocław University of Technology,
➡️ Poznan University of Technology,
➡️ Krakow University of Science and Technology.
Register today at: trafo.ecol.eu
Element of the month
Hydrogen (H, Latin: hydrogenium) is a colourless and odourless gas, the most widespread element in the universe. Currently, it is also a promising energy carrier.
Thanks to its properties – very low density and viscosity and high specific heat and coefficient – it is used as a cooling gas for generators.
It dissolves in some metals and diffuses readily through some metals, porous bodies and rubber. Forms many chemical compounds, the most abundant of which are hydrocarbons, including oils.
Hydrogen is one of the key gases studied in electro-insulating liquids (DGAs).
Its concentration in the oil and its relationship to other combustible gases enables the diagnosis of thermal defects and discharges such as:
- partial discharge,
- overheating over a wide temperature range,
- total charge.
02.05.2024 and 31.05.2024 we are taking a break! Have a great May holiday!!! 🙂 🙂
Thank you for your presence.
If You have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Katarzyna Paryż, Head of Sales