Take a tour of our Oil Analysis Laboratory

We operate based on a certified Integrated Management System accord to the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015, ISO 45001:2018, ISO / IEC 17025:2018-02 and the SCC Petrochemical standard.

Ecol offers a the mosta up-to-date tests package and oil analysis at its headquarters in Rybnik. Diagnostic services for clients are provided by its own Oil Analysis Laboratory.

The highest standards of our research unit have been confirmed by the accreditation No. AB 1564, issued by the Polish Center for Accreditation, as a laboratory operating in accordance with PN-EN ISO / IEC 17025:2018-02.



An up-to-date oil analysis laboratory, available in the 24/7, fast service in the case of a failure and readiness to perform tasks in unusual conditions, makes us en „emergency service” to fight the problems of bad lubrication.



We provide fast diagnostic service, offering the most up-to-date package of lubricants measurements oriented to equipment diagnostics, and operability management issues.

Ecol oil laboratory was accredited with Certificate No. AB 1564 by the Polish Centre for Accreditation. Thus, we received the official acknowledgement of providing the highest diagnostics service quality conforming with the EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018-02 standard.

The most up-to-date oil analysis laboratory, available in the 24/7, rapid reaction service in the event of a failure and readiness to perform tasks in unusual conditions, makes us “ambulance” to fight the problems of bad lubrication.


    Oil analyzes are carried out wherever reliability and efficiency of a machine park is the highest priority. Testing and monitoring of lubricants finds application in the:

    • industrial sector (power industry, chemical industry, refining industry, metallurgy and mining),
    • production (automotive, production of plastics, metal rolling mills),
    • food (brewing, food processing, packaging production),
    • transport (sea, air, car and railway transport),
    • construction,

    In our laboratory, we test oils, lubricants, fuels, coolants and cutting liquids, used in industry and in the automotive industry, based on mineral and synthetic bases, including:

    • turbine oils,
    • compressor oils,
    • hydraulic oils,
    • transformer oils,
    • engine oils,
    • gear oils.

    The beginnings of an oil diagnostics date back to the 40’s of the last century. Even then, the need to know what processes take place in the oil system and how this affects the machine turned out to, were crucial for users. Keeping in mind how important is the trouble-free movement of machinery and equipment and based on our over 25 years of experience, we have prepared a complete offer including tests of oils and greases from each device, at every stage of operation.

    Effective oil diagnostics requires package of monitored parameters, which together provide complete diagnostic information. The testing ranges are individually selected for the type of machine, type of oil used, operating conditions, operating stage or adequately to the immediate needs of the user. As a guideline, we use these standards, recommendations of machine manufacturers, operating documentation and use our many years of experience.


    Continuous improvement and control of pro-environmental activities, such as saving energy, water, elimination of hazardous and toxic materials from production and overhauling services is an indispensable element of the functioning of all company’s departments.


    • Analysis of physicochemical parameters of waters and sewage.
    • Analysis of the composition of exploitation sludge – measuring of the quantitative and qualitative composition of sludge on internal and external surfaces of boiler pipes, turbine condenser pipes, heat exchanger tubes, pipelines and others.
    • Analysis of the technical condition of ion exchange masses, new and used.
    • Analysis of carbon, sulfur and hydrogen in various materials.
    • Technical consultancy.

    All the results of the diagnostic tests are available 24/7 on-line  shortly after being introduced by laboratory staff. This solution is a guarantee of fast and effective communication with the client.




Do you want to perform laboratory tests of lubricants? Here you will find the answer, how to perform oil analysis and where to order them. Thanks to our mini guide you will learn what tests of oils and greases can be performed in the Ecol Oil Analysis Laboratory.


Ecol Sp. z o.o.

A company with over 30 years of experience, over a dozen of branches in Poland and 2 branches outside its borders: in the Czech Republic and the USA. An undisputed leader in the field of comprehensive solutions supporting active maintenance of power sector and industry.

We offer services in the area of oil and lubrication and exploitation service, oil analysis, specialized cleaning and flushing of oil systems, industrial cleaning service by hydrodynamic and chemical method.

We are the largest distributor of oils and lubricants for industry produced by ORLEN OIL.

See the movie and get to know us better!



Ecol Sp. z o.o.

ul. Podmiejska 71A, 44-207 Rybnik, Poland

TEL.: +48 32 739 63 48
FAX: +48 32 739 18 29
E-MAIL: laboratorium@ecol.eu

Company info

NIP: 642-000-05-76
NIP EU: PL6420000576
Regon: 271173970
KRS: 0000060857 SR Gliwice
Share capital: 100 000 PLN

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