Drop of Knowledge #2
Ecol lab – what was happening in February?
We would like to invite you to TRAFO 2024
- When: 12-14 June 2024
- Where: HP Park Plaza Hotel Wrocław
Trafo 2024 – topics of the conference:
- safety and risks in the operation of transformers
- modern electrical insulating oils – current challenges and development trends
- requirements, design and construction of new transformers
- diagnosis of transformers based on testing of electro-insulating fluids
- construction of wind farms, essential components of distribution substations, power transmission and reactive power compensation
You are cordially invited to attend now. More information on the conference website: trafo.ecol.eu
We test transformers in the widest range of accreditation in Poland
Thanks to the expansion in the testing of electro-insulating liquids, we now have the widest range of accredited parameters in Poland. And that means:
- reliable and precise analysis and test results
- reproducibility and stable quality of testing, controlled by a certified external body (PCA)
- international recognition of procedures and test results
- possibility of comparing results with other accredited laboratories
Competence has been confirmed by the Polish Centre for Accreditation. The accreditation document, together with the full range of characteristics and methods tested, is also available on our website.
If you are interested in the topic of testing electro-insulating fluids, please contact Mark Kusz, Chief Diagnostic Engineer for Electro-insulating Fluids: tel.: 512 705 221, email: marek.kusz@ecol.com.pl
You can meet us in March:
- 05.03.2024: Reliability and Maintenance in production plants, Legnica
- 06-07.03.2024:XVI Conference on Maintenance in the Food Industry, Krakow, Poland
- 06-07.03.2024: VII Forum of Wind Farm Operators, Sopot
- 12-13.03.2024:OilDoc Symposium: Deposits in lubrication and hydraulic systems – recognising, eliminating and proactively avoiding them, Germany
- 12-15.03.2024: Maintenace Exhebition, Gothenburg, Sweden
- 13.03.2024: Reliability and Maintenance in Production Plants, Bialystok
Trainings 2024: SAVE THE DATE
Book your time for our training courses on machine and plant diagnostics.
15-17.05.2024 r. – multidisciplinary training, Karpacz
11-13.09.2024 r. – training for the railway industry, Piwniczna-Zdrój
27-29.11.2024 r. – training for the RES industry, Rybnik/Zabrze
All training courses will be conducted by certified diagnosticians working at the Ecol Laboratory. We will provide detailed information about the training courses in future editions of the ‘Knowledge Sample’ newsletter.
Element of the month
Zinc is an essential element for the proper functioning of humans, and is involved in countless vital processes in the human body. Zinc compounds are also widely used in lubrication technology. Zinc as a result in oil testing can indicate many sources, i.e. additives, contamination or wear. It is determined together with other elements in an atomic spectroscopy study, e.g. ICP-OES.
As an additive, it is widely found in hydraulic and engine oils, also in lubricants, in the form of ZDDP (zinc dithiophosphate). It is a multifunctional lubricating additive – anti-wear (AW), anti-oxidation, anti-corrosion. For this additive, the zinc level is equal to the phosphorus level.
As wear and tear can come from components that have zinc in their metallurgy, e.g. brasses, bronzes, galvanised surfaces, correlations to other characteristic metals should be sought:
- brass wear – alongside zinc, an increase in copper levels, e.g. rolling bearing cages,
- tin or lead growth,
- galvanised metals – iron growth,
- plated surfaces – increase in chromium and/or nickel.
Can be a contaminant, e.g. when mixed with another lubricant, a component of neoprene/rubber seals, dust from electric furnaces.
Thank you for your presence.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Katarzyna Paryż, Head of sales